Meaning of Functional Research | Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education | The Goal of Functional Research
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Meaning of Functional Research | Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education | The Goal of Functional Research
Meaning of Functional Research | Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education | The Goal of Functional Research
Meaning of Functional Research | Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education | The Goal of Functional Research
Meaning of Functional Research | Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education | The Goal of Functional Research

Meaning of Functional Research

The Functional research is a part of educational research in which systematic study of the classroom and school problems are solved. It is a solution to the problems that, arise daily in classes and schools. In other words, functional research is an attempt to bring about changes or rapid development in the field of education in which problem-solving technique is achieved relatively quickly. According to Stephen M. Corey, an investigator’s scientific 4 studies to be directed to your problems, precisely and evaluate their decisions and actions by which action research process. completes.” Here it is worth mentioning that, ‘It is the technology of functional research, which has developed only in the context of experiments done in the field of curriculum.’

Importance of Functional Research in Environmental Education

The Functional research is an important technology to improve environmental education. It is most commonly used to increase the effectiveness of environmental education topics composition skills, and systems of teaching-learning. Its continuous use ensures the increase in professional skills of teachers. It can develop and expand the new technology of environmental education. can help to and explores effective ways of achieving the learning goals inherent in environment-related courses.

The method of functional research can also prove very useful for bringing the required changes in various aspects of environmental education. This method is very beneficial for the modification, enhancement, and expansion of the learning behavior required for environmental education, due to its relation oriented problem-oriented orientation, and being dynamic and flexible qualities in it. Now, in the Indian context, an attempt is being made to modify the behavior of teachers through functional research. That is why special importance is being given to the method of ‘functional research’ in the courses of colleges. It also holds special significance from the point of view of effective implementation of the programs for environmental improvement and environmental education proposed in the 10th Five Year Plan.

The Goal of Functional Research

The Functional research in the field of environmental education is aimed at improving environmental teaching and learning conditions related to the environmental curriculum, improvement in schools, courses, teaching methods, tips, and design skills. John W. Best has told that the immediate use to develop target theory of action research or rather general application emphasizes the study of tangible and current problems in the local context. This results of utility in local contexts and not as a universal validity assessment. Its goal is to improve the working practices and practitioners of schools. This methodology combines research work and the development of teacher and environmental quality by providing solutions to the problem. The objectivity of the teacher about environmental issues, his / her proficiency in research processes, the right habits of thinking, meeting with others The ability to work together and develop a business sense.

In this respect, Cohen and Manian mentioned the subscript five for goals of operational research that has specifically the environment may be associated with education because of following resens:

1. It help in keeping an active research environment and environmental educations means to resolve the visible problems of education in the specific circumstances the available circumstances that has neither way to improve as a method or subject to solve problems.

2. This service is a method of training of teachers, with the help of which teachers develop the ability to use many skills and methods to deal with the problems of the environment, the power of subtle analysis of related issues emerges and self-realization it develops.

3. The Practical research is a powerful medium for incorporating new approaches to learning and learning related to the environment, in the prevailing system, which becomes orthodox after some time and becomes an impediment to the change and needs a renewal required for its progress for better results.

4. It is an effective tool to improve the inadequate communication and coordination generally available between the practicing teacher and the original researcher and to resolve the errors of traditional research.

5. Not withstanding the rigor of ‘scientific research used in real life, there is no complete subjectivity in functional research and comparison of methods of solving problems of classroom teaching through the Impressionistic Approach developed based on the first impression. This is a desirable option.

From the above description, it becomes clear that the system of functional research can be used to find satisfactory solutions to the day-to-day problems and difficulties related to the environment and environmental education. By this, along with the improvement in the educational situation set up for environmental education, it is possible to have sufficient development in the professional skills of the participating teachers and trains.


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