What is meant by physical fitness? Types and Elements of physical fitness.
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What is meant by physical fitness? Types and Elements of physical fitness.
What is meant by physical fitness? Types and Elements of physical fitness.
What is meant by physical fitness?  Types and Elements of physical fitness.
What is meant by physical fitness? Types and Elements of physical fitness.

What is meant by physical fitness?

Meaning and Definitions of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is to the human body in the same way that fine tuning is to the engine, it enables us to display our latent power. Fitness can also be described as the condition that helps us to see, feel and do well for us. What’s more, it’s the ability to “perform everyday tasks with enthusiasm and alertness, save energy for dealing with leisure time activities and emergency time requirements.” It is tolerance, tolerance, ability to bear pressure in situations where an unfit person cannot sustain all this. These are the basis of good health and a good life.

According to the Webster dictionary, “Physical fitness is the ability of a person to perform daily tasks without fatigue. Even after this, a person has sufficient capacity to participate in physical activities and also to deal with any emergency.”

According to David R. Lamb, “Physical fitness is the ability to successfully meet life’s present and potential challenges.”

According to Dr. Croles, “Physical fitness is the successful adaptation of a person to the stresses related to his lifestyle”.

In the words of Bruno Ballet, “Physical fitness depends on a person’s biodynamic capacity, and this biodynamic capacity is produced by a combination of functional and metabolic capacity.”

Explain the types and elements of physical fitness.

Types of Physical Fitness

There are two types of physical fitness – physical fitness related to health and physical fitness related to skill.

1. Health related fitness- It means that, the various systems of the body are healthy and functioning with full efficiency, as a result of which the person performs various daily tasks with full awareness and utilizes the free time well by doing various pleasurable activities. It has a positive effect on risk factors related to heart diseases, it is also effective in reducing the risk of back pain, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. In addition, it is also an effective way to manage emotional stress. In other words, fitness related to health enables a person to be healthy, happy and enjoy life to the fullest.

2. Skill related fitness- Skill related is as beneficial as fitness, but it is also related to the gamification skills required for a particular work or sport. That is why, with regard to skills fitness, physical fitness is known as.

Components of Physical Fitness

There is an important point regarding the components of health and skill related fitness that come under physical fitness. Where health related fitness consists of 5 components muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio-vascular stamina, flexibility and weight loss or body composition. The same skill fitness refers to the 5 components of health fitness plus 5 additional components. It includes muscle strength, agility, speed, balance and reaction time. Thus skill related fitness is a combination of 10 components in total.

(A) Components of health related fitness

1. Muscular Power – This is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to produce maximum power. Muscle strength is measured with the help of dynamometer and tensiometer instruments. These devices measure the amount of force exerted by a muscle group in a single effort.

Developing muscular strength- weight training, adaptation exercises, madison ball exercises, plyometric exercises, circuit training, dumbbell exercises etc., help in it.

2. Muscular Endurance- The amount of time a muscle or muscle group can work with its full capacity for a period of time is called muscular endurance. In other words, when muscle fatigue occurs quickly in doing any work, then muscular endurance is less. Developing muscular endurance needs- running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling, stair climbing, brisk walking, cross country running, weight training, circuit training, fartlek, (speed) training, hill running etc.

3. Cardio-vascular endurance- This is the efficiency of the heart and lungs under which blood is supplied to the working muscles of the body. Muscle cells use this for dissolved oxygen in the blood to produce the energy needed for endurance exercise.

4. Developing Cardio-Vascular Endurance- Flexibility-It is the ability of the body to provide movement to the joints in which the maximum range of motion of the joints is possible without any undue pressure. For example, in a straight standing posture without bending the knees, touching the toes with both your hands.

Development of flexibility- Can be obtained by static stretching, dynamic stretching, ballistic stretching, assisted stretching, yoga practice etc.

5. Freedom from obesity or body composition- Obesity refers to accumulation of maximum amount of fat in the body. It leads to many serious health problems such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and respiratory problems. Obesity is measured in terms of the amount of fat found in the body relative to a person’s body weight.

(B) Components of skill-related fitness- Skill-related fitness includes the following 5 components in addition to the above 5 components of health-related fitness-

1. Muscular force- It is the ability of a muscle to produce maximum force in the shortest possible time. For example, smashing in volleyball.

2. Agility- It is the ability to rapidly change the position and direction of entire body parts. For example, raiding by a raider in Kabaddi.

3. Speed: The rate of change in the movement of physical muscles is called muscular speed, for example, running 100 meters.

4. Balance: The ability to keep the body in equilibrium against the force of gravity is called equilibrium. Basically there are two types of equilibrium – static and dynamic.

(i) Static Balance:- It adds the ability to maintain static balance in equilibrium when the body is in static state. For example, standing on one leg and keeping the body in static equilibrium while shooting a rifle.

(ii) Kinetic balance – The ability to maintain the body in equilibrium in a state of motion is called dynamic equilibrium. For example, dynamic balance is necessary in walking, running, dancing.

5. Reaction time: The time interval between the presentation of the stimulus and the first reaction to it is called the reaction time. In other words, the time taken to respond to a visual or audio stimulus is called reaction time. For example, in the 100 meters. race, the athletes start the race after hearing the sound of the pistol.


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