What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?
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What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?
What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?
What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?
What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?

What is Copyright and Trademark Infringement ?

Meaning of Copyright Infringement

A copyright infringement refers to using copyrighted work without the consent or permission of the copyright holder. The infringement of intellectual property occurs when an individual or group of individuals fabricate copywriters’ work intentionally or unintentionally without giving them credit. For instance, if you use an image or a video available online, without asking for permission, it may be copyright infringement because not everything which is available on the Internet is available for free use. Most of the things available online are copyright protected.

Other examples of copyright infringement include:

  1. Selling pirated books
  2. Selling copied/duplicated art work
  3. Selling pirated software
  4. Performing a play in public without obtaining permission from the playright
  5. Online piracy and many other such acts.

Meaning of Trademark Infringement.

The trademark infringement is the unauthorised usage of a mark that is identical or deceptively similar to a registered trademark. The term deceptively similar here means that when an average consumer looks at the mark, it is likely to confuse him/her of the origin of the goods or services.

All types of IPR infringements are crimes and the owner can initiate a legal action against the people/companies who do it.


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