What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 
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What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 
What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 
What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 
What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 

What are the causes of the environmental outbreak? 

Causes of Environmental Outbreak

Environmental outbreaks are mainly of two types:-

(1) the natural calamity, (2) The human-borne outbreak. Here the reasons for their origin will be considered separately.

1. Causes of natural outbreaks

Natural outbreaks include land slide, erosion, volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, and droughts. When rocks begin to melt and disperse due to extreme temperatures in the deep under ground. The lava is generated when the pressure is reduced due to extreme temperatures, there is an excess of water vapor obtained from various types of gases and evaporation of water located in the ground. It decreases in surface pressure and melting of basalt layer at depths of 50 to 60 km in the geology, a lot of lava is formed and in the event of lava and gases flowing from the ground towards the surface, the volcano results, when it becomes more destructive and unbearable for upper crust of earth.

Like a volcano, Earthquakes also have their origin due to the internal movement of the Earth. An earthquake is a vibration caused by any known or unknown, intrinsic or external natural or artificial reasons in the earth’s crust. Earthquakes are also known as vibrations in the crust or the wave that arises due to transient dislocation of rocks beneath or above the surface or in the case of gravity’s disequilibrium or disturbed equilibrium. The main cause of earthquakes origin are:

(1) Volcanic action,

(2) Adjustment related to land balance,

(3) Mobility of plates,

(4) folding and occlusion,

(5) Collapse of the crust,

(6) Increase in the number of inert gases,

(7) Aqueous load,

(8) Testing and explosion of atoms.

Inter- sea earthquakes produce Tsunami waves, which are severely destructive. On December 26, 2004, more than one and a half million people were killed in Indonesia, Lanka, India, etc. due to the devastating tsunami waves.

The action of collision among plates is also related to the internal movements of the earth. Due to the forces of tension or tension under the earth, a state of confusion arises in any part of the surface. This confusion is more when the terrain on either side of a terrestrial gets sunk or the middle part of a terrain sits down or the middle part of two common crevices rises upwards.

Landslide takes place, when a pile of earth or rock slips downward due to gravity. Such incidents occur more in the mountainous regions. In the mountainous parts, especially during the rainy season, large blocks of soil and stone are broken and slipped which is called a landslide. Landslides often occur as a result of weathering, due to plant roots, the weakened structure of steep mountains and by water penetration into the crevices of mountain slopes.

Hurricane or Typhoon and Tornado are atmospheric, they are the fierce cyclone coming under the natural calamity. A wide ranging tropical cyclone with several wavy isobar lines is called Hurricane’ in the United States and “Typhoon’ in China. When the air pressure outside the center is booming because of the pressure gradient (Pressure Gradient is exceeded) and appears fierce as the Hurricane. Hurricanes are extremely large and wanton and have an hourly speed of 120 km. The air pressure in the center of the tornado has minimal air pressure in the center and the periphery has very high pressure. It causes winds blow to the center at a rapid speed, which is devastating and severe. Tornadoes originate mainly in the United States and secondarily in Australia.

In natural outbreaks, the effect of flooding is also devastating. Due to overflowing, the water level in the rivers rises and spreads far away on both sides of the coastal part, which is called a flood. Flood outbreaks also occur due to the release of water from hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, and man-made dams. Flood hazards arise after the water rises above the ocean floor in the ocean in coastal areas of the oceans. Giant tidal surges arise as a result of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

2. Causes of anthropogenic outbreaks

Outbreaks or crises arise due to human activities, which have disastrous effects. Nature is constantly being manipulated by humans and is being exploited. From the point of view of agriculture, housing, and industry, deforestation is being done ruthlessly, which is reducing the earth’s forest wealth. Due to the fire in the forests, fauna and rare flora along with trees are being destroyed. Modern human development is responsible for environmental degradation in mountainous regions and causes landslides. To build roads in the mountainous parts, rocks have to be broken. Explosives are used in this shattering, which causes the mountainous part to be shaken and cracks occur from place to place in which the rocks break after entering the water. The excavation of limestone, marble, cool, stones, other minerals in the mountainous parts also loosens the rock formations there and creates a situation of landslides.

Radioactive materials are being used in the present world to obtain energy and manufacture weapons. On one hand, nuclear weapons are being manufactured and on the other hand, nuclear reactors are being built for nuclear power. Radioactive substances always go through the process of fission and their residual substances are also more or less radioactive. These substances do not expire soon and remain for hundreds to thousands of years. If they enter the human body in any way, they cause great harm. Due to the increase in temperature over a wide area due to the nuclear explosion test done in the sea, aquatic animals are being destroyed. The crisis of radioactive pollution is mainly due to the detonation and testing of atomic bombs in the atmosphere, residual waste of nuclear power stations, and nuclear leakage in nuclear plants.

Rapid growth is also a problem for environmental outbreaks With the pace of the world’s population increasing, it seems that the present century will be a century of terrible difficulties. The phase of the rapid increase of the world’s population started in the twentieth century due to which environmental difficulties are increasing progressively.


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