Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems
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Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems
Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems
Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems
Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems

Role of functional Research in Solving Environmental Problems

The Functional research is research related to the ground of reality. It is directly related to everyday situations. Environmental issues, such as environmental pollution, environmental quality and its improvement, proper use of the environmental potential. and environmental collective deformities that are associated with industrialization, urbanization, and modern technology and its application, can be largely solved through strategic research by the functioned research method.

The role of the three types of solutions to environmental problems of operational research main: –

1. Diagnostic – This means that through practical research, help can be found in different types of environmental distortions and causes of environmental pollution water, air, sound, and soil, etc.

2. Remedial- It is found that the environment is different from the expected improvement. It improve its quality to apply consistent levels of schools plans of action research in different areas like schools, institutions, colleges and universities, and other institutions.

3. Extension oriented- It means the widespread application of devices and systems of functional research in the effective implementation of schemes built at the governmental and non governmental levels about the environment. This will also go a long way in assessing the effects of these schemes. In the backward settlements, comprehensive improvement can be ensured by adopting a system of functional research in the schemes of awakening the environment, eco and tree-friendly, plantation, and environmental beautification etc. for better and brighter life and future.


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