Principles of Health Education
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Principles of Health Education
Principles of Health Education
Principles of Health Education
Principles of Health Education

Principles of Health Education

Health education the urgent need of the present time. Health education can be made accessible to all the people only through teaching and learning. Psychologists have recognized that, health education can be given a new direction through the process of learning and memory. Every person learns something or the other in his lifetime and his life-behavior is governed on the basis of what has been learned.

Training is an ongoing process between the teacher and the student. Unless the learner is ready, he does not find anything instructive and exemplary. This process of learning and teaching is not limited to the school only, but this effort is also made by the society and family. Under the health education program, the community is awakened by creating awareness about health so that the general public problems. Under this, can protect themselves from health certain principles were told by the academicians which are as follows-

1. Interest- Psychologists believe that most of the people do take seriously those things in which they are not not interested. This is the reason why there is a lack of health awareness. It is the duty of the officers or employees imparting health education to first generate interest in the health programs among the public. Find out what are the expectations of the public regarding health, then policies and programs should be formulated so that the health education program can be successful. Any work done without the interest of the common man cannot be successful, so it is necessary to awaken the their interest.

2. Participation- The process of learning is effective only when the person is active and ready for a task. In the health education program, efforts are made to make health education successful by organizing programs like group discussion, expert discussion, workshop etc. The greater participation of the public in these programs is a sign of how conscious the general public is towards health. This awareness gives success to health education programs.

3. Communication- Language is important to make education easily accessible from one person to another. Most of the people whose education level is either very low or medium level are included in the health education program. Therefore, while training such people, special care should be taken that the language style should be at the level of those people so that there is no difficulty in understanding. If the language style is of a higher standard than these people, then they will not be able to take advantage of health programs. The success of such a program is possible only with proper communication.

4. Motivation- Everyone wants to learn something or the other. The only difference is that, in some this desire remains awake and in some it is not. People who have a dormant desire to learn have to be stimulated through motivation. Motivation is also of two types. 1. Primary, like- hunger, sex, desire to live, 2. Secondary, like- competition, reward, praise, punishment etc. The primary motivations do not require much effort to be awakened. whereas the secondary motivations have to resort to special methods. If a person who eats gutkha is stopped by saying ‘this is a bad thing, it should not be eaten’, then there will be no effect on him. But when you tell him in detail about the diseases that happened to the people who eat gutkha and tell him about the same fate, then it will have an immediate effect on him and he will be aware of his health.

5. Intellectual level- A lot of information is obtained from education. But before giving, it is necessary to clarify the intellectual level of the receiving group. It is necessary for the teacher to know that in what form, to what level, the education being imparted by him is capable of receiving the teaching material. If the person concerned is unable to grasp what is taught, then the effort to teach it will be in vain. Therefore, before starting the health education program, it is necessary to know the intellectual level of the target people so that knowledge can be imparted to them in the manner of their level.


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