Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness
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Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness
Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness
Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness
Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness

Factors and Importance of Affecting Physical Fitness

Factors Affecting Physical Fitness

There are many factors responsible for affecting physical fitness of our lives in general. They are:-

1. Age- Lifespan is mainly divided into five parts-infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The fitness requirements of adolescence, adulthood and old age differ, where physical changes and development of body parts are taking place in adolescents, while the level of maturity is achieved in adulthood. Similarly, physical activity decreases in old age. Therefore, there should not be a single fitness program for every age group. So, each age has a different physical fitness programme.

2. Gender- Before adolescence, boys and girls are almost the same in height, weight and other physical appearance. But in adolescence, physical and psychological differences begin to emerge in them. Therefore, keeping these disparities in mind, separate fitness programs should be developed for both the categories.

3. Inheritance- Factors related to heredity like shape, size, structure, height etc. They affect physical fitness and well being. Factors related to sports fitness The resistance of speed. strength and stamina also depends to some extent on the muscle fiber structure of the individual.

4. Appropriate Training- Increase in physical Increase in physical efficiency depends on proper training load given during the training process. If the training load is combined following the scientific principles of training, there is no problem in adaptation and physical efficiency that is developed.

5. Balanced diet- Unbalanced diet, irregular eating habits, malnutrition and undernutrition reduce the physical efficiency of a person, whereas balanced diet promotes physical fitness and well being. A person should take a balanced diet according to age, gender, weight, to stop disease and improved physical activity to be performed. Balanced diet is good for physical and mental fitness.

6. Mental fatigue and stress- Factors such as mental stress, stress fatigue and anxiety also negatively affect physical fitness and well-being. One can improve fitness by managing these mental factors through yoga techniques and spiritual guidance.

7. Rest- After strenuous exercise or intense exercise, proper rest and relaxation is also very important, otherwise physical fitness decreases. For recovery from fatigue caused by training or intense exercise, it is necessary to follow the principles of recovery to be complied with. The training exercise should not be of time duration.

8. Environment – Climate, weather, temperature, pollution, and the natural environment also affect physical fitness and health. A clean and safe natural environment also helps in achieving physical fitness.

9. Health problems- Physical fitness and well being is also affected by health problems arising out of illness and injury. We should focus on curative and preventive aspects of health education so that physical fitness is not affected. Apart from this, smoking, drinking and consumption of harmful drugs also have a negative effect on physical fitness, so this type of addiction should be avoided.

Importance of Physical Fitness

Individuals of any age group can achieve and maintain a good level of physical fitness through regular physical activities or exercise. If you follow the principles of regular exercise and a balanced diet with commitment, it will not only help you lead a quality life but will also protect you from incurable diseases and physical disabilities. Some of the important benefits of physical fitness are as follows-

Improved physical health- 1. Increases in heart and lung function. 2. The level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in the body decreases. 3. Increases in muscular strength and stamina.4. The risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes is reduced. 5.Regular exercise lowers glucose levels in diabetics and increases insulin-sensitivity, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. 6. Reduce excess body fat and muscle tone (Muscle Tone) is increased.

Improved psychological health- 1. Regular exercise controls psychological factors like mental stress, fatigue and anxiety. 2. Regular exercise develops the brain. Physical movements reduce the risk of problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, mental breakdown and depression. 3. It helps the brain to release mood- enhancing substances called endorphins. With these elements, the person himself feels good health and happiness. 4. It improves self esteem, sense of self realization and self confidence in a person. 5. It improves mental alertness, perception and information processing capacity of the brain in a person.

Improved Social Health- 1. Self-image of the person improves. 2. The ability of a person to deal with social pressures is enhanced. 3. Opportunities for social harmony and participation in social activities increase.


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