Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases | Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect
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Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases | Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect
Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases | Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect
Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases | Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect
Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases | Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect

Consequences of Increase in Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse worldwide repercussions caused by the impact that effect appears in the following forms are-

1. It may be Due to the effect of these gases, the earth is constantly heating up.

2. Climate change is happening very quickly due to the concentration of these gases. According to the natural laws, the changes that must occur in about 1.5 lakh years are being done only in 50 years.

3. The warming is melting the ice of glaciers and pole territories and consequently sea level is rising.

4. According to the United Nations World Weather Change Organization report, the twentieth century has been described as the hottest century, the 1990s as the warmest decade, and the year 1990 as the warmest year.

5. The increase in temperature effects of the glaciers (Glaciers exist) has also been jeopardized. According to the recent survey, the length of the Gangotri glacier has been reduced by 15 miles and its length is decreasing at a rate of 18 meters every year. Glaciers are shrinking.

6. Bizarre and catastrophic conditions of pressure differentials are being created due to the chaotic and unprecedented warming in different parts of the earth, due to which the recurrence of natural disasters like Cyclone in Orissa is increasing.

7. Due to harmful changes in the weather, there is a situation like floods, excessive rains, and droughts.

8. Green house gasses are cause of parasites-based diseases eg – malaria, filariasis and dengue, etc. epidemic

9. In places where there is still less rainfall like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, now we observe that there is a flood situation due to excess rainfall whereas, in places where there was excess rainfall Assam anel Kerala, the rainfall is now decreasing. So, green house gasses are disturbing ecology, too.

Measures to avoid the greenhouse effect

The following measures must be taken to reduce the greenhouse effect:

1. The public should be made aware of the rise in temperature and its consequences due to the greenhouse effect by formal and informal education so that every person in society can become aware and of its bad effects.

2. The dense and profs Plantation is the most effective way to reduce the greenhouse effect. According to an estimate, if 30 percent of the world’s land is covered by forest, the greenhouse effect can be reduced by 60 percent. For this extensive public support is necessary from  Govt. Organic so times, Private seats publer.

3. An urgent need to Reduce fossil fuel consumption.

4. Meaningful efforts should be made to bring alternative means of energy production, such as solar energy and cow dung, etc. to the common people. They should be made cheap and popular.

5. The use of ethanol as an alternative to petrol and diesel in automated vehicles should be made practical and comprehensive. For this, developed countries which, are rich in technical knowledge should make necessary changes in the engines of automated vehicles.

6. Use of automatic vehicles should be banned once a week, which will lead to some control.

7. The use of cow dung and compost manure should be encouraged to increase production in agriculture. Organic fertilizers must be promoted.

8. Animal husbandry should be encouraged.

9. Restrict industries that produce CFC gases.

There are no under developed countries as many developed countries guilty of producing CFC gases in the world. Therefore, the rich and developed countries should control the increasing amount of CFC gasses by spending more money on the use of the options of CFC.

Greenhouse effect is a seriously problem, so Scientists are taking several measures to reduce green house gasses like-in October 1988, 12 European countries have pledged that 40 percent of nitrogen oxide will be reduced by the help of various experiments in the next ten years. This Deductions will be made diesel and petrol done by reducing the use of powered vehicles and by reducing electrical equipment. Not only this, in many scientific conferences, equal talk and researches are being held on ways to avoid this dreadful situation. The United States has made a twenty-two-year plan to end the ‘greenhouse effect’ by taking the first initiative in this direction and approving the Environmental Protection Act, 1988′. This Act also provides that through the United Nations, the US President should inspire other developed and developing nations of the world to improve the environment and they should also be provided financial assistance for this work under which the forests of the predominantly tropical regions may increase marea and density. There is an attempt to prevent the destruction of forests for life.

Recently, Mr. Amit Shaw has Declared that, due to pollutions of Air, work, Radiation 50 Y. of h millions will suffex from cancer in next 10 years, son we have to to every they to any come environmental pollution. It has been prodeanted on Th. January 2022 by Atmel Radio.


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